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Kanaker Garment Factory based in Yerevan, Armenia, is one of the best garment manufacturers in the Armenian market. The company was established in 1960 and has been supplying diverse garment products throughout the entire former Soviet Union markets.

During the last ten years the company was specializing in production of uniforms for the Army. Presently the company supplies the Armenian Armed forces and is in dialogue to provide uniforms to the armed forces of other countries.

The also manufactures civil clothing: shirts, jackets, trousers, jeans, raincoats and coats for men and women. While the company is entirely in charge of the Armenian market in the area of its specialization, it successfully expands, opening new markets in CIS countries, in the African continent and Europe. Currently the company is in the process of negotiations to export its products to the markets of the United Kingdom.

The best quality products that the Kanaker Garment Factory provides to its customer are based on the latest technologies and best technical solutions that are available in the industry. The company employs 225 employees and is able to double this number due to the permission of the market conditions andmanufacturing capacity.

Our products comply with the highest international standards not only in the area of quality but also in regard to environmental safety and total consumer satisfaction. As evidence of the above mentioned note is the World Quality Commitment Award, which was received by the Business Initiative Directions (BID) in Madrid, Spain in 2002.

  2003-2005 KKF Garment LLC. All rights reserved  

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